.BYF. i wont start a conversation | schizoadhdtism | plz dont sexualize me if i dont go along with the joke ^^;
.DFI. extremely christian | trash / wasp | under 13 | involved in gender / sexuality discourse

≡ Interests

.MOST IMPORTANT. NARI ១ mha ១ crob / crk ១ gi ១ jellyfish ១ clownpierce ១ life series

.૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა♡. co09 ១ hc ១ hxh ១ tdi ១ lifesteal ១ marutoku games ១ witchs heart

.OTHER. svtfoe ១ soul eater ១ mlp ១ sharks ១ rays ១ wotakoi ១ whitepine


NARI ! | stuffed animals | cats
marine life
sylvanian families paper mache


NARI | dj | em | leo chai | zee | rei | syn


NARI HATERS ! | dolphins | dogs brussel sprouts swifties | ice cream cake